Career at Preslmayr
As a law firm with particular emphasis on Business Law and Corporate Law the best possible advice for our national and international clients is our major goal. We therefore expect from our associates excellent legal knowledge, fluency in English and an outstanding amount of commitment. An additional advantage are interna-tional academic experience or scientific research that we would be pleased to sup-port.
You may expect a broad and diversified legal education. We also support advanced training of our employees. We are extraordinarily proud of our associates’ perform-ance at the bar exam which is constantly above average.
Our staff members are expected to have outstanding knowledge of orthography, excellent language (English) and computer skills as well as polite manners.
Our students are in charge of submitting legal briefs to the appropiate courts or other authorities, assist with general office work and deal with minor legal issues. This enables them to get to know legal day-to-day business.
If you are interested to work as associate in our law firm, please send your application ( If you are interested to work as other staff member or student, please send your application (